Rosalie Gascoigne first started her artistic work with making natural assemblages like traditional flower arranging and then continued her work with Japanese art. Then she experienced working with small scarp iron sculptures and later with wooden boxes. She found all her materials while on scavenging expeditions in the Canberra hinterland. She mostly used wood, iron, wire, feather and most famously yellow and orange retro-reflective road signs, which flash and glow in the light. She also used vernacular building materials such as galvanised tin, corrugated iron and fibrous and rosy reel ends. Text is another important element of her work; she would cut up and rearrange the faded, naive lettering found on these items to create abstract yet evocative grids of letters and word fragments, sometimes alluding to the crosswords and poetry of which she was so fond. Her interest in making art from the materials she found around her grew out of a deep desire to surround herself with beauty.
Moffatt: Oppression, lose, Anxious